Service Description: Creates a service area network analysis layer, sets the analysis properties, and solves the analysis. This tool is ideal for setting up a service area geoprocessing service on the web. A network service area is a region that encompasses all streets
that can be accessed within a given distance or travel time from one or more facilities., Service areas are commonly used to visualize and measure accessibility. For example, a three-minute, drive-time polygon around a grocery store can determine which residents are able to reach the store within three minutes and are thus more likely to shop there., The Generate Service Areas and Make Service Area Layer tools are similar, but they are designed for different purposes. Use Generate Service Areas if you are setting up a geoprocessing service; it will simplify the setup process. Otherwise, use Make Service Area Layer. Also, use Make Service Area Layer if you need to generate service area lines; Generate Service Areas doesn't provide the option to generate lines., To create a service-area geoprocessing service using Generate Service Areas, you only need to set up one tool, and you can publish the tool directly as a service. In contrast, you need to create a model with the Make Service Area Layer, properly connect it to various other tools, and publish the model to create a service-area geoprocessing service. See Geoprocessing service example: Drive-time polygons to learn how to set up a drive-time polygons service using tutorial data. One other option to consider is the ArcGIS Online Generate Service Areas service. It is a service that runs like a geoprocessing tool within ArcMap, can be accessed from other applications, and includes high quality road data for much of the world.
Execution Type: esriExecutionTypeSynchronous
Result Map Server Name:
MaximumRecords: 1000
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